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현재 자원 봉사자를위한 IST (In-Service Training)
교사는 우리의 가장 큰 자원입니다.
우리는 당신이하는 모든 것에 감사합니다.
계속되는 IST (In-Service Training) 목록을 보려면이 페이지를 방문하십시오.
모든 워크샵은 현재 튜터에게 무료로 제공됩니다.
IST에 가입하려면 아래로 스크롤하십시오.

Upcoming ISTs
Syllable Type/Syllable Division IST
Do your students struggle with vowel sounds in reading? Do they get stuck on “big words” if they don’t know how to break them into syllables? Join us for a study of syllable types and syllable division. This training is specifically geared towards Basic Literacy tutors to provide next steps as your students progress. It is OG based. However, it is also helpful for ELL tutors whose students need reading/spelling support, especially with vowel sounds. All tutors are invited.
When: Date To Be Determined
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